Sandeen and Lee Plastic Surgery
A woman holding two types of implants that could be used for breast implant revision

What is Breast Implant Revision?

Breast augmentation can help you feel more confident in your body. In most cases, women are satisfied with the results of their procedure and modern-day implants can last longer than predecessors before they need replacement. Nevertheless, a breast implant revision is sometimes necessary to restore the appearance a woman desires.

Revision surgery is the process of removing previous breast implants and replacing them and may be combined with other techniques and procedures depending on the women’s needs and desires. This is different from breast implant removal by itself, which does not always involve placing new implants.

Reasons for Breast Implant Revision

Breast implant revision may be done for aesthetic purposes or due to a complication with previous implants.

Here are some possible reasons for a revision surgery:

Change The Size of Implants

Patients and plastic surgeons should collaborate to determine the best size for breast implants. Sometimes, a patient’s desired breast size can change over time. This can occur if breast size increases following breastfeeding, if the woman gains or loses a substantial amount of weight, or simply because of a change in preferences.

Correct Poor Implant Placement

Skilled plastic surgeons place breast implants strategically to help ensure they maintain their position and look great over time. However, implants can change position over time. For example, they may “bottom out” and shift to the bottom of the breasts. Revision surgery can correct this.

Create a More Natural Appearance

Breast augmentation techniques have improved over the years. If a woman got breast implants a long time ago, she may feel like the results don’t look as natural as she’d like. Breast implant revision can preserve the desired size while making the implants appear more natural.

Replace a Ruptured Implant

Although modern breast implants outlast their predecessors, they can still rupture over time. You may see 10 years listed as the lifespan for an implant, although many women are able to keep their implants for longer than a decade.

For saline implants, a rupture is more noticeable since your breast(s) will decrease in size as your body absorbs the saline. For silicone implants, you may not notice a rupture, so you should get a scan every two years to detect any ruptures. If a rupture does occur, the implant will need to be removed and replaced.

Treat Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture is a potential complication of breast augmentation. This is when scar tissue forms around the implant, causing pain and hardening the breast over time. If this occurs, a surgeon will need to remove the implant. They will determine whether revision surgery is possible to place a new implant depending on the unique circumstances of the patient.

The Importance of Choosing a Skilled Plastic Surgeon

At Hess & Sandeen Plastic Surgery, we take the time to discuss your desires so we can use our expertise to achieve surgical results you’ll enjoy for years to come. This can help reduce the chances of needing revision surgery in the future. If you have implants currently and are interested in a revision, we can also help you with this and will discuss why you want the implants removed and what you would like to change with your new implants.

To learn more about breast implant revision, contact us today.