A woman after surgery to increase breast size

Factors That Influence Breast Size

It is easy for women to think that their breast size is predestined. Unlike most body parts, however, boobs grow and change throughout your life. That is because breast size is determined by a variety of factors, both biological and environmental. 

Here are seven of the biggest factors that influence breast size:

1. Genetics

Just like genetics dictate the color of your hair and your height, it plays a role in breast size as well. Women are typically born with their breast size, but that doesn’t mean it won’t change throughout their lifetime. Genes do not predetermine what your size will be, but rather indicate likelihood. Women that come from a family with a history of A-cups, for example, tend to have boobs of a similar size.

2. Weight Gain and Loss

Another big influence on the size of your breasts is weight fluctuation. Breasts are made up of a certain amount of both connective and fatty tissues that vary from woman to woman. Women with a higher concentration of fatty tissue will see more of a difference in breast size as their weight changes. Small fluctuations do not usually affect your boobs, but significant weight gain or loss can have a noticeable impact on their size. 

3. Diet and Exercise

Your weight is directly affected by your diet and exercise habits, which can influence your breast size. Exercise will not increase the size of your breasts, but strengthening your pectoral muscles can cause your boobs to push out and appear perkier.  

4. Birth Control

Along with preventing unintended pregnancy, certain methods of birth control can also impact your breast size. Hormonal birth control such as the pill, an intrauterine device (IUD), and the depo shot contain estrogen and progesterone. These hormones can cause water retention in your body, leading to a temporary increase in breast size. This is most noticeable right after you start birth control. 

5. Menstrual Cycle

Your menstrual cycle causes your body to change in a lot of ways, which can impact the size, texture, and shape of your breasts. As you get closer to your period, your body starts producing more progesterone to stimulate the formation of milk glands. Much like with hormonal birth control, this hormone causes swelling and soreness in the breasts, making them appear larger. After your period is over, they will return to their normal size and texture.

6. Age

Your breasts likely do not look the same now as they did when you were a teenager. As you grow and mature, so do your boobs, especially later in life. Women approaching menopause go through hormonal changes that affect the size and shape of their breasts. As your body produces less estrogen, your breasts become less perky due to a loss of elasticity in the connective tissue. 

7. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

A woman’s breasts can grow several cup sizes throughout her pregnancy. This is because the production of hormones like progesterone increases to help the body produce more milk ducts. By the second trimester, most women’s breasts are fully capable of producing milk. They will continue to swell postpartum if the woman chooses to breastfeed. Typically, it takes about six months for breasts to go back to their normal size after stopping nursing.

Breast Enhancement and Reduction in Tucson

At Hess and Sandeen, we offer a variety of breast procedures, including augmentation and reduction. Our experienced surgeons are extremely knowledgeable and can deliver you beautiful, natural-looking results.

To learn more about the breast procedures we have to offer, contact Hess & Sandeen today.